April 22nd , 2013 → 9:38 pm @ Sitges // No Comments

25 – 28 April 2013 Magna Celebratio
Parade, events and activities, very educational for all ages.
- With Tolls from Sitges : 50.9 km, 37 mins : C-32 & Ronda Litoral /
- Avoid Tolls from Sitges : 54.0 km, 49 mins C-32 & Ronda Litoral
- Last weekend of April, yearly
- 4 days
- Roman crafts stalls and shop
- Attend plays
- Roman camp
- Roman archaeological sites in Badalona, ​​
with special access to normally closed areas - Roman Festival
- Visits to different archaeological sites of Baetulo
- Tasting of a roman menu in the restaurants of the city
- Recreation of professions and scenes of daily life, performed by groups of historical re-enactment
Museu de Badalona (map)
Plaça de l’Assamblea de Catalunya, 1
08911 BadalonaTel. 93 384 17 50 · Fax. 93 384 16 62
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