December 24th , 2015 → 10:44 am @ Sitges

9 km circular route
Sant Julià de Vilatorta
ROUTE FROM SITGES:Â 1 h 26 min 119 km
via C-32 and C-17
9 km circular route that passes through the most significant places of the former airfield plan Quintana in Sant Julià de Vilatorta. The route runs along most of the elements that were part of the airfield which was during the Civil War: several shelters, a hangar and a tinderbox. It is a flat route, well marked and easy for families. The shelters are well marked and some of them are accessible. The environment is shady and pleasant to visit. The schedule for the bike tour is 1 hour and 28 minute gentle pace. If you want to walk and family journey time is approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. Authors: Montse Pique and Louis Solanas 9 km circular route that passes by the most significativos Parts of the old airfield Sant Julià de Vilatorta. The route takes place different puntos de interés por parte formaban that the field of Aviation which operates during the Civil War: miscellaneous refugios, a hangar and a powder magazine. This is a Journey Llano y fácil de hacer bien señalizado the family. Los refugios are TRY señalizados y algunos de ellos are accessible. The environment is very friendly and takes place Spaces por muy poco transitados and with abundant vegetation. El tiempo calculated, realizado bike ritmo y muy tranquilo, is 1 hour and 28 minutes. The Journey walk lasts approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. “9 km circular route passing through in the most significant elements of the old Airfield Sant Julia de Vilatorta. The route passes through different points of interest weve That part of the Airfield That Operated During the Civil War: Several shelters, a hangar and a tinderbox. It is a flat course, well marked and easy to do as a family. The shelters are properly marked and some of Them are accessible. The setting is very nice and Takes very little frequented by spaces and abundant vegetation. The calculated time, made by bicycle and quiet pace, is 1 hour and 28 minutes. The walk Takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes. “
Route can be hard to determine without a SatNav/Google Map on your phone.
Contact or call directly to the Department of Sant Julià de Vilatorta for a better one (938 122 179)
Do it yourself or…
Guided Visit (Visites guiades)
Aerodrome Vilatorta path is formed by the remains of the old airfield, with a total of 13 shelters, a hangar and a tinderbox. Aerodrome was created in 1938 and became a part of the republican government efforts to create a network of defense structures to counter attacks Franco. In order to assemble small fighter bombers Aerodrome into operation to try to stop the latest offensive of the national troops over Catalonia. Aerodrome encompasses the towns of Sant Julià de Vilatorta, Santa Eugenia de Berga Calldetenes.
Remember to come properly worn and properly protected from the sun.
More informació:
Aerodrome / Aeródromo de:
- Celrà (Refugio I)
- Celrà (Refugio II)
- Celrà (Refugio III)
- Celrà (Refugio IV)
- Celrà (Refugio V)
- Celrà (Refugio VI)
- Celrà (Refugio VII)
- Celrà (PolvorÃn)
- Vidreres (Refugio de Batllosera)
- Vidreres (Can Batllosera)
- Vidreres (Zanjas del Bosc d’en Puig)
- Vidreres (Can Súria Negre)
- Vidreres (Can Xiberta)
- Vidreres (Can Morat)
- Vidreres (Pistas)
- Vilajuïga (Refugio Antiaéreo)
- Vilajuïga (Cuerpo de Guardia)
- Vilajuïga (Refugio Antiaéreo)
- Vilajuïga (Hospital)
- Vilajuïga (Refugio Elemental)
- Vilajuïga (Estela de Windemuth)
- Llagostera (Caseta Control de Pista)
- Llagostera (Can Torremansa)
- Llagostera (Pistas)
- Llagostera (Can Trinxeria)
- Verges (Taller)
- Verges (Refugio 1)
- Verges (Refugio 2)
- Verges (Refugio 3)
- Verges (Caseta Control de Pista)
- Verges (Cuartel)
- Verges (Refugio Antiaéreo)
- Verges (Refugio 4)
- Verges (Refugio 5)
- Verges (Pistas)
- Sabadell (PolvorÃn y Arsenal)
- Sabadell (Refugio Nº10)
- Sabadell (Can Diviu / Torre Gorina)
- Castellar (Refugio Antiaéreo)
- Cardedeu (Refugio Antiaéreo)
- Cardedeu (Refugio I)
- Cardedeu (Refugio II)
- Cardedeu (Refugio III)
- Rosanes (Refugio de Can Bosc)
- Rosanes (Refugio de Can Tries)
- Rosanes (Refugio no conservado)
- Rosanes (Refugio Can Sorgues)
- Rosanes (Hangar de Can Fernández)
- Rosanes (Garita del Centinela)
- Rosanes (Comedor, Cocina y Aseos)
- Rosanes (Alojamiento de tropas)
- Vilatorta (Refugio Font del Vern)
- Vilatorta (Refugio Sauleda)
- Vilatorta (Refugio Omeda 1)
- Vilatorta (Refugio Omeda 2)
- Vilatorta (Refugio Llopart)
- Vilatorta (Refugio Pla d’Altarriba)
- Vilatorta (Refugio Antiaéreo)
- Vilatorta (Caseta de Vigilancia)
- Vilatorta (PolvorÃn)
- Vilatorta (Hangar de La Carrera)
- Vilatorta (Hangar del Casal)
- Tona (Refugio Moianès 2)
- Tona (Refugio Trabau 1)
- Tona (Refugio Trabau 2)
- Tona (Refugio Granja 3)
- Tona (Refugio Granja 1)
- Tona (Refugio Moianès 1)
- Tona (Refugio Granja 2)
- Tona (Cuartel del campo – Can Moianès)
(Refugio de Ca l’Arnau) - Montmeló (Refugio de Palou)
- Aeródromo dels Monjos (Refugio de El Serral)
- Aeródromo dels Monjos (Refugio de Cal Xacó)
- Aeródromo dels Monjos (Refugio de Cal Rubió)
- Aeródromo dels Monjos (Refugio de La Margaridoia)
- Sabanell (Refugio Antiaéreo)
- Sabanell (Refugio Elemental)
- Igualada (Pista actual)
- Igualada (Refugios)
- Igualada (Refugio)
- l’Aranyó (Refugio Antiaéreo)
- l’Aranyó (Dormitorio)
- l’Aranyó (Depósito de Agua)
- l’Aranyó (Comedor, cocina y aseos)
- l’Aranyó (Oficina)
- Alfés (Refugio Antiaéreo)
- Alfés (Depósito de Agua)
- Alfés (Defensa Antiaérea)
- Alfés (Depósito de Carburante)
- Alfés (Pista Principal)
- Alfés (Caseta de Explosivos)
- Alfés (Defensa Antiaérea)
- Alfés (PolvorÃn)
- Alfés (Refugio Antiaéreo)
- Pacs (Refugio de Can Maiol)
- Pacs (Refugio I)
- Pacs (Refugio II)
- Pacs (Refugio III)
- Pacs (Refugio IV)
- los Salats (Refugio Elemental)
- Valls (Refugio I)
- Valls (Refugio II)
- Valls (Refugio III)
- Valls (Refugio IV)
- Santa Oliva (Refugio Elemental)
- Santa Oliva (Refugio de Cal Sereno)
- Santa Oliva (Caseta de Guardia)
- Santa Oliva (Residencia de Pilotos)
- Santa Oliva (Caseta de Control de Pista)
- Pla de Cabra (Refugio I)
- Pla de Cabra (Refugio II)
- Pla de Cabra (Refugio III)
- la Sénia (Refugio Antiaéreo)
- la Sénia (Cuartel)
- la Sénia (Caseta de Transmisiones)
- los Magraners (Hangar)
- Balaguer (Monumento)